A few weeks ago, my pastor spoke on a topic that confused others,
intrigued some and left others still scratching their heads......what was
it you ask?.....the Trinity.
I was taught about the Trinity in Sunday school. Must admit, sure had
me scratching my head. Didn't really have at that young age, a good
Through the years I tried to ask my pastor of my former church. He didn't
really give me a good answer, at least, not an answer a child could
understand with clarity. My parents were not a resource I could
go to, as they are not true believers. So for a very long while I was
stuck, like many for answer.
When I was able to be out on my own, was when my search to understand
the Trinity became a journey for me. How is God three people? Isn't He
One? The journey for the answer to this question seemed like it took forever
to be answered. Until finally after years of searching and prayer. My question
was answered. It made perfect sense to me, my hope for all reading this
post, that it will make sense to you as well:
God is our Father who created the world and all that
is in it,
God is the Son who came in human form to walk among
his people to preach, teach and guide them in the Way
that leads to life,
God is the Holy Spirit who resides in the hearts of all who are
his children.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Liz Ciccone